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Power of the Conscious Consumer

I love it when I have synchronicity in my life. It has been happening a lot over the past year, and last week was a good example. Everywhere that I turned I was encountering memes or having conversations with people on the matter of conscious business and what we, as consumers, can do about it. Then I watched "The Roadmap to Prosperity" by Dr. Pedram Shojai, and it really put everything into perspective.

Many consumers feel weak and disempowered when it comes to business. What they do not understand is that the power truly lies in our hands. Let me explain;

We live of course in a very Capitalistic world, here in the west. Many corporations feel as if they have the power to do whatever they want. We have no say. The evidence however indicates otherwise!

The marketplace is changing, and this is being driven by the millennials (also known as "generation Y"; people born between the 1980's-2000's).The change that I am talking about is something called the triple bottom line; businesses that support People-Planet-Profit, in that order. This has become recognised as a must do. Many millennials are making demands and pushing for changes that are more inline with their own morals and values. The idea of profit at any cost is no longer acceptable.

So the question being asked of businesses now is "what is your purpose, Is it just about profit?"


In this arising business world, the structure of the company revolves around the Servant Leaders. These owners, CEO's Supervisors are no longer drill sergeants, they work alongside people, they create friendly, caring, enjoyable work areas and pay reasonable wages. They understand that the company is only as good as its weakest link. Many of these businesses also take this concept a step further by taking on responsibility for the communities they operate within. They understand that a strong relationship with the community also benefits them financially. Business becomes a two way street.


The Planet is included in the triple bottom line because these business owners understand that if we do not take care of the planet, there will be no business or people. The idolization of money and importance of stakeholders pushed the Capitalistic businessman on, driving him to always grab profits over any desire to care for people or the planet. Because of this we see a Planet on the edge of disaster.

Under the new business structure, companies see potential in aiding this planet. Structured properly, companies are now finding themselves positioned to reap profit by taking care of people and the planet. Millennials are in fact creating businesses to clean the planet first, while helping people and making money. The opportunities are vast at this time.


We really are at a point in our society where we truly want to be asking any business we deal with, "what is the point of your business? Do you exist only for profit?"

In truth there is no problem with anyone or any business making money. After all we do need it, sad to say. But it is a problem how we go about making that money. Are we advancing humanity? Is our business benefiting people, planet or is it all about profit?

Another area to be considered is banking. Many of us already have problems with the major banking institutions. We understand that these banks are only interested in profit. An ungodly profit at that. We only have to consider the crash of 2008 to know the truth in this regard. There are banks emerging however that are not playing ball like those larger institutions. These emerging banks are coming into the game looking to work with businesses lining up with the triple bottom line of People, Planet, Profit. They are investing money with companies that reflect those values. They provide start-up capital to entrepreneurs that are creating for people and the planet first. Bear that in mind when you start to think about investment opportunities. You might be able to help create new ventures in the future.


The big barrier we all face is the belief that we can never make a difference. Stop believing that lie. You do, we ALL do. Our money, and even how little we have of it, speaks volumes for us if we become conscious consumers. Each day, every purchase that you make, ask yourself "Do I need this item?" and "Does this company benefit the people and the planet?".

Becoming a conscious consumer might require effort or conscious thought, but it is how we can change the world. Major corporations must listen to us, if they do not they eventually will go out of business altogether. Profits are already shrinking for some.

Here are some thoughts to consider;

1)Spending - Question if this is a company you want to encourage.

2) Work - Question if working for this company reflects your values and morals.

3) Invest - Put your money into organizations that support the people and planet before profit.

4) Bank - Research small banks that are in line with your values and morals

5) Act - Take responsibility and make your money speak for you and your values every day, with every purchase.

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