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The Universal Human

Human consciousness is evolving; we are shifting into something

more, something greater than we have been. We have all been taught about evolution and how we came from apes originally. The jury is still out on that discussion for me. However, we can not deny that there has been growth from homo sapien into our current form of Homo sapien sapien. So as humans we are constantly changing, evolving if you like. I can agree with that because it would be very naive on our part to think that we do not change... ever!

According to renowned futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard, humanity has moved into the next evolutionary stage, and therefore we are each tapping into our unique gifts. What are those you ask? Love, Creativity, and The Power to Manifest. She even coined the phrase for these humans... 'Universal Humanity.' According to her, and many others, we are in the process of evolving into this now. There certainly is a conscious evolution underway. Just look around you. Look and listen to the conversations we are having; the seeking we are undertaking and our thirst for knowledge... truth. You cannot deny the change we have seen in the past twenty years and in particular the last 5 years.

You know what is even more amazing, universal humans have been amongst us for over two thousand years! There have been people living amongst us and showing us what we could become for that long. Of course we know them. We all recognize their names and appreciate what they achieved, and some of us even worship them. They were indeed showing us the way, pointing us in a direction that we could not see until we reached a certain level of awareness. I suggest that many of us have reached that awareness now.

I am sure you know who i am talking about, Confucius, Mohamed, Buddha (in all his forms), Jesus and many, many others besides. There are some walking amongst us even now as I write this blog, and there is more coming...

What are the notable qualities of these universal humans; they lack fear and stride purposely in love, Self-masters in that they rule their inner kingdom (themselves), they are Creators, rather than destroyers, they live in each moment (not anxious - living in the past, or fearful - living in the future), they are Limitless (they believe they are capable of anything they desire) - look at Mahatma Gandhi. They certainly retain their child -like curiosity, nature, love, enthusiasm, energy, for all things, pure of mind and heart, they respect and love ALL life, they have profound inner-peace, and they have overcome the restrictive nature of time in that they are no longer in servitude or enslaved to time, they have risen above the constraints of time.

The universal human is us and we already have these qualities within each one of us. We just may not realize this yet. This great time of change we live in now is our time to discover these qualities, and understand our truths in order to rise above the limitations and constraints that have been placed upon this world. We know that the solutions to this world lay firmly within us and not with the current man made authorities placed above us, we just need to wake up to that fact. We have to learn that everything we understand and have been taught in this world is either a blatant lie or just plain wrong.

The universal human, is our future whose time has come.

For more information on the universal human go to for the Arwen Energy workshop on Universal Human coming in November 18 2017.

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