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The Power of the individual

So many of us believe that we have no ability to make a difference. Of course this has been the storyline we have all been fed. The educational system very much indoctrinated us with that concept even early on in our schooling. Parents, even as well meaning as they were wanted us to grasp the concept of inability and lack of potential. Friends certainly reinforced this also, at least the ones i had while growing. I see them now, some 50 years later and they are pretty much doing the same shit they always did. Stuck in their ways.

Truth is though, those were just simply storylines, we did not have to adopt them and take them one as our truths. We as individuals have to accept responsibility for our choices. We were never victims, nor do we want to be victims. Likewise, none of us are being forced to continue with those old storylines. We can change them anytime that we want.

So if we are going to change our old belief system, why not rework our limiting self beliefs. Why continue believing the old thought patterns that hold us back? Why not let go of everything that no longer serves us.

We do have individuals out there that managed to become limitless. That proved that power actually lays with the individual and should therefore empower each and everyone of us now in the time of great upheaval and transition that our planet is facing.

Think about people like Martin Luther King, Mother Theresa, Malcolm X. And what about Mahatma Ganhdi. Here was a man that proved how one man can make a difference. Here is someone who was able to take on the mightiest nation in the world and bring it to its very knees.

How did he do this? What kind of an army did he lead?

He did it through love of course, he brought down a nation by peace. He is truly the hallmark for protest in this day and age. Violence is not only unnecessary, it works against the goals you are trying to achieve.

Ganhdi showed us that through achieving peace within oneself, by committing oneself to becoming self-aware and embracing our own inner demons we can step up to become authentic men and women that no longer have to live in fear. Moving forward as truly authentic individuals, based in love and not fear we can set time aside, and we will be enabled to truly reflect the certainty and the power we have with each and everyone of us.

Of course there is more to this, there is a lot of inner work to be done, self-reflection, awareness and understanding required. Dare i say enlightenment also.

But the means is there, the tools are at hand and within our grasp. The question that needs to be asked is, are we ready?

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